The taboo of therapy in Hong Kong

At FAIVIASHCares we wanted to do more than just raise awareness and donate profits to relevant charities, we also wanted to learn. Hence we have been establishing connections with experts and organizations that specialize in current social issues. For example, we have been inviting esteemed professors, social workers, and charities that specialize in mental health for the last four weeks or have a vested interest in that field.

Interviewee: Dr. Amy Chan

Interviewer: Faiyaz Khan (Co-Founder)

Our first interview was with psychologist professor Dr. Amy Chan from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Our interview talked about how prevalent mental health is in Hong Kong and how Hong Kongers are conditioned to treat mental health as insignificant. Dr. Amy Chan also shed light on treatments in Hong Kong and how it would be beneficial for Hong Kongers to undergo therapy.

However, we have discussed the taboo of therapy in Hong Kong. With Hong Kong being one of the busiest cities in the world, Hong Kong is revered for being the city that never sleeps. But we all know that sleep is crucial to one’s mental health and wellbeing, it can be deduced that the main drivers of poor mental health in Hong Kong are immense work & financial pressure, societal pressures, and the pressures of success. Dr. Amy Chan noted that there is hope although Hong Kong is severely silently suffering from mental health. The government has created initiatives and programs such as the ‘Shall We Talk’ campaign in 2020 after the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.

These campaigns have normalized the need for therapy and just allowed people to start discussing mental health and subsequently destigmatizing mental health in Hong Kong. However, the success of this campaign is yet to be seen, but Hong Kong can be proud of starting its battle with mental health albeit there is more needed to be done. 

Link to the full interview below to learn more about the taboo of therapy:

Stay Happy, Healthy and Safe.


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Amy Chan Linkedin

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